Mittwoch, 7. November 2012

Warhorse: Empathy

Warhorse: Empathy

Wirte down 5 questions you would like to ask the author.

Dear author
I have some question for you. The first one is, why did you write the novel in the I-form? Would not it be easier to write in the you-from?
Another question which has occupied me is why has you wrote the story on the sight of a horse?
Have you a special relationship to horses? Or maybe do you live on a farm?
The third question is not as difficult as the other ones. How much time it takes to write a book? I can image that is a very time-consuming  work. I think this is definitive nothing for me.
Which emotion did you accompanied during the work? I can image that many different emotions may play a role because also for the reader is the book very emotionally.
So we come to the last question. In the end from the book everything is good. Why a happy end and not tragedy. Maybe you are a very positive person how believes in the good.
So that was my five questions that occupied me.

2 Kommentare:

  1. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  2. Interesting questions! No doubt about that!

    Now some words on the language part of your entry. It seems like you have difficulties with verb conjugation, with how to form questions properly and with the correct form of various tenses in general. Work on these issues and you will improve in your writing.
